City of Paducah
Recent News About City of Paducah
City of Paducah - City Commission Meeting Highlights - January 24, 2023
The Paducah Board of Commissioners took no action at this meeting regarding the appointment of a Commissioner.
Governor Andy Beshear Celebrates City Block Groundbreaking with Community
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear provided the opening celebratory remarks as the community gathered this afternoon for the groundbreaking of the City Block project.
Called City Commission Meeting Highlights - January 17, 2023
Called City Commission Meeting Highlights - January 17, 2023
Paducah Police Year End Update - January 2023
For the fifth year in a row, reported crime has dropped or remained steady in the City of Paducah.
2023 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Schedule
The Martin Luther King Jr. holiday affects City of Paducah services.
Hydraulic Dredging of Sediment Downstream of Boat Dock
This week, Dredge America, Inc. is staging equipment and supplies at the Ohio River Boat Launch located at 275 Burnett Street in preparation for the dredging of sediment downstream of Paducah’s Transient Boat Dock.
Thank You to Departments Following Snow Event and Holiday Schedules
Mayor George Bray and the Paducah City Commission want to pass along a sincere thank you to city departments especially the Public Works Department for their work over the past two weeks.
Paducah Receives Sixth Boaters Choice Award for Boat Dock has notified the City of Paducah that Paducah’s Transient Boat Dock is a recipient of the 2022 Boaters’ Choice Award.
2022 Firehouse Chili Raises Nearly $3000
The Firehouse Chili event held December 2 at Paducah Fire Station No. 1 raised $2852 for the United Way of Western Kentucky.
2022 City Government Month Video
City Government Month Video Features Letters and Drawings from Local Elementary Students
ViWinTech Moving Forward on Demolition of Building of 2301 Irvin Cobb Drive
Mayor George Bray has learned that ViWinTech® Windows & Doors is moving forward with the demolition of the building at 2301 Irvin Cobb Drive, the former Residential Care Center, in order to grow ViWinTech’s Paducah operations.
Six Paducah Fire Recruits Graduate from the First Class of the Kentucky Firefighter Recruit Academy
City Manager Daron Jordan and representatives of the Paducah Fire Department were proud to attend today’s Kentucky Firefighter Recruit Academy Class #1 Graduation ceremony in Powderly, Kentucky.
Veterans Health Administration (VHA) news release: Care in the Community Healthcare Inspection of VA Heartland Network (VISN 15)
Care in the Community Healthcare Inspection of VA Heartland Network (VISN 15) published on Nov. 1.
Online Option to Pay Real Estate Tax Bill Beginning November 1
Beginning Tuesday, November 1, the City of Paducah is providing an ONLINE OPTION to pay real estate bills using a credit or debit card.
Temporary Closure of Compost Facility Beginning October 26
Due to routine grinding of brush, the City of Paducah Compost Facility located at 1560 North 8th Street will be closed to the public until further notice beginning October 26.
Temporary Closure of Greenway Trail Segment for Floodwall Pump Station Project
As Paducah partners with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for the rehabilitation of Paducah’s floodwall, the work has been affecting access to short segments of the Greenway Trail.
How high did Paducah junior tennis player Abel Prude rank in Boys’ 14 bracket in week ending Oct. 1?
Paducah tennis player Abel Prude is ranked 1,088th in the junior Boys’ 14 category of the United States Tennis Association in the week ending Oct. 1.
Family Fun Festival and Community Engagement Event at Robert Coleman Park
The Southside Steering Committee and the City of Paducah invite the community to the Family Fun Festival from 1 until 4 p.m. on Saturday, October 15 at Robert Coleman Park located at 1100 Walter Jetton Boulevard.
Are minorities over-represented in public housing in McCracken County in 2021?
In McCracken County public housing 53% of residents in 2021 identified as a minority, according to the U.S. Census.
Public housing in McCracken County in 2021
There were 1,331 people living in taxpayer-funded public housing located throughout McCracken County in 2021, according to the U.S. Census.