Organization Directory
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Ballard County School District
Local Government | Public School Districts
Most recent 12/12/24 - Enrollment Analysis: Multiracial students comprised 8.2% of Ballard County School District's student body in 2022-23 school year
Calloway County School District
Local Government | Public School Districts
Most recent 12/13/24 - 185 multiracial students enrolled in Calloway County School District in 2022-23 school year
Carlisle County School District
Local Government | Public School Districts
Most recent 12/14/24 - How many multiracial students were enrolled in Carlisle County School District in 2022-23 school year?
City of Arlington
Local Government | Cities/Villages/Towns
Most recent 09/01/24 - 1 gas station in cities throughout Carlisle County had the cheapest regular gas in week ending Aug. 24
City of Bardwell
Local Government | Cities/Villages/Towns
Most recent 09/01/24 - 1 gas station in cities throughout Carlisle County had the cheapest regular gas in week ending Aug. 24
City Of Barlow
Local Government | Cities/Villages/Towns
Most recent 08/24/24 - Where could drivers find the cheapest gas in cities within Ballard County in week ending Aug. 17?
City of Benton
Local Government | Cities/Villages/Towns
Most recent 09/03/24 - Cheapest E85 gas in cities across Marshall County in week ending Aug. 24
City of Blandville
Local Government | Cities/Villages/Towns
Most recent 08/24/24 - Where could drivers find the cheapest gas in cities within Ballard County in week ending Aug. 17?
City of Calvert
Local Government | Cities/Villages/Towns
Most recent 09/03/24 - Cheapest E85 gas in cities across Marshall County in week ending Aug. 24
City of Carrsville
Local Government | Cities/Villages/Towns
Most recent 08/31/24 - Where were the cheapest places to fill up on regular gas in cities in Livingston County in week ending Aug. 24?